
How-to Guide

Below are a few javascript snippets to jump-start your development using the EONET API. These examples all use jQuery to facilitate Ajax calls and the iteration over the JSON output. If you have any suggestions about other snippets that might be useful, please get in touch with us.

Listing Events

Here is how you would retrieve and list the 20 most recent, open events.

<dl id="eventList"></dl>
$( document ).ready(function() {
    $.getJSON( "", {
        status: "open",
        limit: 20
    .done(function( data ) {
        $.each(, function( key, event ) {
            $( "#eventList" ).append(
                "<dt>" + + ": " + event.title + "</dt>"
            if (event.description != null &&event.description.length) {
                $( "#eventList" ).append(
                    "<dd><em>" + event.description + "</em></dd>"

List Layers by Category

Given an id of a specific event, show the related categories and names of web service layers that are relevant to that category.

<div id="eventTitle"></div>
<dl id="layerList"></dl>
    var eventId = "EONET_182";
    $.getJSON( "" + eventId )
    .done(function( event ) {

    // Display the title of the event.
    $( "#eventTitle" ).append(event.title);

    // Show list of categories and children layers.
    $.each( event.categories, function( key, category ) {

        // Get the applicable layers for the specific category id.
        var layerMapAPI = "" +;
        $.getJSON( layerMapAPI )
        .done(function( data ) {
            var categories = data['categories'];
            $.each( categories, function( key, category ) {
                $( "#layerList" ).append(
                    "<dt>" + category.title + "</dt>"

                // In this api call there is only one category represented
                // so we access it using the 0 index of the categories array.
                var layers = data['categories'][0]['layers'];
                $.each( layers, function( key, layer ) {
                    $( "#layerList" ).append(
                        "<dd>" + + "</dd>"



Full How-to Guide

This complete mini-application includes the how-tos from above and also the integration of the related web service layers into a map display. You can run this locally from your computer.

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>EONET How-to</title>

    <script src=""></script>

    <!-- OpenLayers -->
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
        .selections {
            width: 600px;
            float: left;
        .map {
            height: 400px;
            width: 400px;
            float: left;

<div id="selections" class="selections">
    <h2>EONET How-to<span id="eventTitle"></span></h2>
    <div id="eventSelect"><dl id="eventList"></dl></div>
    <div id="layerSelect"><dl id="layerList"></dl></div>
<div id="map" class="map"></div>

    var server = "";

    // First, show the list of events
    $( document ).ready(function() {
        $.getJSON( server + "/events", {
            status: "open",
            limit: 20
            .done(function( data ) {
                $.each(, function( key, event ) {
                    $( "#eventList" ).append(
                        "<dt class='event'>" +
                        "<a href='#' onclick='showLayers(\"" + "\");'>" +
                        event.title + "</a></dt>"
                    if (event.description != null &&event.description.length) {
                        $( "#eventList" ).append(
                            "<dd>" + event.description + "</dd>"

    // Show the available layers for the event category
    function showLayers(eventId) {
        // hide the events list
        $( "#eventSelect" ).hide();
        $( "#layerSelect" ).show();

        // fetch the single event feed
        $.getJSON( server + "/events/" + eventId )
            .done(function( event ) {
                // Get the date and first location of the event.
                // Events can have multiple locations but we are simplifying here.
                var location = event.geometry[0];

                $( "#eventTitle" ).append(": "+event.title+", ",10));

                // Show list of categories and children layers
                $.each( event.categories, function( key, category ) {
                    $( "#layerList" ).append(
                        "<dt>"+category.title+"</dt> "

                    // Get the applicable layers for the specific event category.
                    // Only include WMTS_1_0_0 layers for now, will add WMS example later.
                    $.getJSON( server + "/layers/" + )
                        .done(function( data ) {
                            var layers = data['categories'][0]['layers'];
                            $.each( layers, function( key, layer ) {
                                if (layer.serviceTypeId == "WMTS_1_0_0") {
                                    $( "#layerList" ).append(
                                        "<dd>" +
                                        "<a href='#' onclick='showMap(\"" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(layer)) + "\", \"" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(location)) + "\");'>" +
                              "</a></dd> "

    function showMap(encodedLayer, encodedLocation) {
        var layer = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(encodedLayer));
        var location = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(encodedLocation));

        var center = getCenter(location);

        // quick and dirty way to extract day string from full ISO datetime
        var mapTime = new Date(,10);

            center, mapTime,
            layer.parameters[0].FORMAT, layer.parameters[0].TILEMATRIXSET);

    function getCenter(geojson) {
        if (geojson.type == "Point") {
            return geojson.coordinates;
        } else if (geojson.type == "Polygon") {
            For this test we are going to compute the center point of the bounding box
             that encloses the geoJson Polygon.

             Since the Polygon specification consists of an outer ring and then inner holes,
             we will only compute the center of the first (outer) LinearRing in the Polygon.

             Convert these coordinates to 0-360 to make it easier

            // use the first point of the first LinearRing as the default for calculations
            var ullat = geojson.coordinates[0][0][1] + 90;
            var ullon = geojson.coordinates[0][0][0] + 180;
            var lrlat = geojson.coordinates[0][0][1] + 90;
            var lrlon = geojson.coordinates[0][0][0] + 180;

            for (i = 0; i < geojson.coordinates[0].length; i++) {

                // longitudes
                if (geojson.coordinates[0][i][0] + 180 > ullon) {
                    ullon = geojson.coordinates[0][i][0] + 180;
                if (geojson.coordinates[0][i][0] + 180 < lrlon) {
                    lrlon = geojson.coordinates[0][i][0] + 180;

                // latitudes
                if (geojson.coordinates[0][i][1] + 90 > ullat) {
                    ullat = geojson.coordinates[0][i][1] + 90;
                if (geojson.coordinates[0][i][1] + 90 < lrlat) {
                    lrlat = geojson.coordinates[0][i][1] + 90;

            centerX = (ullon + ((lrlon - ullon) / 2)) - 180;
            centerY = (lrlat + ((ullat - lrlat) / 2)) - 90;

            return [centerX, centerY];

    function displayMap(serviceUrl, layerName, center, dateStr, format, matrixSet) {
        // call empty() to make sure another map doesn't already exist there
        $( "#map" ).empty();

        var map = new ol.Map({
            view: new ol.View({
                maxResolution: 0.5625,
                projection: ol.proj.get("EPSG:4326"),
                extent: [-180, -90, 180, 90],
                center: center,
                zoom: 3,
                maxZoom: 8
            target: "map",
            renderer: ["canvas", "dom"]

         This determination of resolutions is based solely on the capabilities
         of the NASA GIBS WMTS as it is currently the only WMTS server represented
         in EONET. More information about GIBS:
        var source = new ol.source.WMTS({
            url: serviceUrl + "?time=" + dateStr,
            layer: layerName,
            format: format,
            matrixSet: matrixSet,
            tileGrid: new ol.tilegrid.WMTS({
                origin: [-180, 90],
                resolutions: [
                matrixIds: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
                tileSize: 512

        var layer = new ol.layer.Tile({
            source: source

